Some ?f them are Paul Gauguin Museum, Municipal Market, Maara Grotto, Tahiti Lagoon?r?um ?nd Tahiti Perles. Paul G?uguin Mu?eum ho?ses wood ca?v?ng?, engravings ?nd scul?tures. The museum has an active prog?am to bor?ow h?s m?jo? works. ...
S?me of them ?re Paul Ga?gu?n M?se?m, M?nici??l Market, Maara Gr?tt?, Tahiti Lagoon?rium ?nd Tahiti Perle?. Paul G?ugu?n Museum houses w??d carv?ngs, engrav?ngs and sculptures. T?e mu?eum h?? an acti?e p?ogram to bor??w his maj?r works. ...